4 thoughts on “Transsilvanian Paperback”

  1. Excellent reads. All of them.
    Thank you. Any idea when # 5 will be out?
    Tomorrow would not be too soon…we can all dream can’t we!!!!

    1. Hi Thomas,

      I’ve started book 5, but put it to the side for a week or three to start on a brand new series.

      I had a feeling that I was becoming a one trick pony, but my new story is progressing well, so I will get back to book V soon. It will probably be called “Goth”, but not sure yet.

      I am also keen to continue with book five – in a way, the characters decide by themselves how it will play out (within the parameters of the actual history, of course).

      It takes between three and four months to complete a book, depending on the length. I will keep you updated via the website.

      Kind regards.

  2. As usual for your series on “The Trice Named Man” the fourth book is as riveting as were the other three books.
    Glad you are a “Freedman” and have time to write this great series, of which us Roman Historian readers can’t seem to get enough.
    Also, it was a great idea to put a Roman Dacia map on your website, so we can see were the story is leading. Just went back to page 97 to get the map since now we are at the Iron mines. Your books flow so well that it is hard to put it down, and will be sad when Book IV ends and will anxiously await your next book V in this series. Thank you for giving us another great Author in our repertoire!

    1. Hi Regina,

      Thank you for the comment, it is good to hear from you again. Glad you are enjoying book IV.

      Yes, I am fortunate to have the time available to write. I have already written a few chapters of book 5 but set it aside to start a new series that will run parallel to the Thrice Named Man.

      I seem to be able to write about 3 to 4 books per year and I have no intention of quitting. Sometimes the research takes up a lot of my time and hours of reading does not necessarily translate into a lot of pages written, but keeps me from writing the wrong stuff!

      The one negative is that I do not read as many books as I used to. Nowadays it’s only about two books a month and the rest is research. But I greatly enjoy the writing and soon I will get onto book 5 again.

      Kind regards.

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