Update – The Thrice Named Man IV

I estimate that I have completed 60% of the 4th book in the series.

I place a lot of value on following surviving ancient records, actual geography and local customs/folklore.

This is, in some instances, a drawback, as I have spent an inordinate amount of time researching the Limes Transalutanus, the Roman province of Dacia and specifically the area the Romans called Transsilvania.

With that in mind, the fourth installment might be called “Transsilvanian”, although I am worried that it will create an expectation of vampires and the like.

The good news is that most of the research is done and my writing is gaining momentum.

You will be kept updated.

10 thoughts on “Update – The Thrice Named Man IV”

    1. Hi B,

      Glad you enjoy it.
      Having just as much fun writing it.
      There is still much to tell, so there will be more books to come.
      Also… started a new series, but don’t get round to it as this series keeps me busy.

  1. Hi, Hector,
    Really enjoyed thrice named man series.
    Peter Darmen is another great writer in the genre…historical fiction!
    Thank you and please hurry with the fourth excerpt… I’m old!

    Rod Helenihi

    1. Hi Rod,

      I have read most of Peter Darman’s books. I especially enjoy the Parthian series.

      I am a reader who also happens to write.

      Busy writing the fourth as we speak…

      Thanks for the positive comments.



    1. Hi Ringo,

      Thank you very much.

      Working on book IV. I write until a section of the story has been told, so don’t know how far I am from being done with this one. I guess I have about 20% left to write.

      I am having lots of fun writing the fourth book because I was forced to research Roman Dacia and Roman Transsilvania, which proved to be interesting.

      Will keep you up to date via the blog.

      Kind regards.

  2. I just stumbled upon your books a few days ago and have just finished the third in the series and I am anxiously awaiting the fourth! I read a lot and very quickly, so I tend to read book series. I just wanted to thank you for telling a story without having to add a lot of crude language and gratuitous sex! If your story is good enough, it doens’t need any of this and of course, your story is very well written. Please don’t stop!

    1. Hi Shannon,

      Glad you enjoyed the books. I am also an avid reader who decided to write about a period in history, often overlooked.

      Thank you for the compliments. I plan to continue the series as the story of Aurelian(Lucius Domitius) and the barbarian migration of the 3rd century, deserve not be skimped over.

      The fourth book is gaining momentum – the first draft is nearing completion. There will a couple more books in this series and I have started on the next series already.

      Kind Regards

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